Sofosbuvir/ledipasvir safe and effective for genotype 1 HCV

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A single-tablet
regimen containing the hepatitis C virus (HCV) nucleotide polymerase
inhibitor sofosbuvir and
the NS5A inhibitor ledipasvir – the combination in Gilead Science’s
recently approved Harvoni pill – was well-tolerated and cured 97% of
patients with HCV genotype 1 in the Phase 3 ION trials, researchers
reported at the IDWeek 2014 meeting earlier this month in
advent of direct-acting antiviral agents has revolutionized treatment for
chronic hepatitis C, especially with the long-awaited

HIV treatment roll-out has had only a modest impact on mortality in Lusaka, Zambia

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The scale-up of
antiretroviral therapy (ART) programmes in Lusaka, Zambia, has been
accompanied by only modest reductions in the city’s mortality rates,
investigators report in the Bulletin of
the World Health Organization. A series of cross-sectional household
surveys conducted between 2004 and 2011 showed no significant reduction in the
mortality rate. The authors admit this finding

The treatment cascade in the United States – good in Ryan White programmes, but overall picture for gay men is poor

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People living with HIV in the United States who receive
their care through the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program have good rates of retention
and virological suppression, investigators report in the online edition of Clinical
Infectious Diseases. Of the patients seen at least once in 2011, some 82%
were retained in care and 73% achieved virological

Sovaldi sarà rimborsabile: trovato accordo Aifa-Gilead

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Sarà rimborsabile il Sovaldi, il nuovo e costosissimo farmaco per lEpatite C. L’Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco ha trovato l’accordo con la casa farmaceutica che lo produce, la Gilead Sciences. Il prezzo del Sofosbuvir (così si chiama il principio attivo), già calato da 58 mila a 37 mila euro per ciclo terapeutico, aveva scatenato le proteste delle associazioni dei malati.

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